This marching band show features the fiery Cirque du Soleil show, Ka. Kà is a story about “conflict and love”, of “imperial twins who are separated at the prime of their youth and must undergo a rite of passage of self-discovery. It is about their encounters with Kà, the fire that has the dual power to destroy or illuminate. Jay Dawson has transformed the melodies and intensity of the original show and produced a sound scape that will stun audiences and provide a great vehicle for your band. The music is attainable at a Grade 3 level and provides plenty of effective moments.
Arrangements by Jay Dawson
Title | Length | Grade | Listen |
KA: Opening Production | 2:05 | 3 | |
KA: Flight | 1:08 | 3 | |
KA: Pursuit | 1:39 | 3 | |
KA: Battlefield | 2:35 | 3 |